Friday, 12 September 2014

A conversation about Snapchat - Shelley, Janine, Ian


  1. I agree that pupils don't always see the dangers. They assume that when they share something with a friend that is as far as the material will go. We get a lot of students who regret actions that they have taken because they don't take time to think before they send.

  2. What Elizabeth said - this is where we need to open the conversation about digital technology and why it is important to be aware the benefits and the pit falls.

  3. I agree that they do not see the dangers, however, this idea of publishing something for a short period of time - will it encourage users to post things they might not normally post? How many learners will have taken screen grabs for evidence at GCSE for example - but how many will make the connection that if their Word Doc for PowerPoint can be screen grabbed, then so can that post that they weren't sue that they should have posted - but did on the basis that in a matter of seconds it will be gone......

  4. I agree, any app or package that purports to be 'instant' or 'disposable' is entirely disingenuous and gets in the way of the message 'what goes online, stays online'.
