Monday, 6 October 2014

Freaked Out Inset

Belatedly, here are some of the good practice and ideas that were shared as part of last week's Freaked out training.

Creating a culture of pupil Digital Leaders: 

  • Develop a of expertise – digital wizards, digital leaders and digital learners. Pupils can keep their own blogs and Twitter accounts. Section on ddp and minutes. Publicise digital leaders 
  • Digital leaders charter - what they will offer pupils and staff
  • Every break of lunch create a Genius Bar for digital leaders to teach pupils and teachers
  • Digital leaders appointed by digital wizards
  • Change school website, where teachers can produce a weekly blog, to increase learner and parental engagement

Making our schools more interactive:
  • All displays contain at least two interactive items
  • Use aurasma to create interactive displays, or videos for pieces of equipment. Scan wall display and a video will play. Good for explaining and adding detail to wall displays. Use it to do book recommendations and reviews
  • Qr codes in classroom, wall displays, targeted key areas. Linked to audio descriptions of newsletters, blogs etc.
  • Using audiobook and qr codes to leave feedback for pupils
  • Using Twitter to write stories. Using Twitter as a hook to interest. Using a Twitter account for historical figures and get them to interact. Use as class display

Changing our learners from consumers to creators:
Use explain everything to get the kids to do their own interactive learning guides

An argument in defence of the use of mobile phones in schools:
It is frustrating for us to not to be able to use a mobile device. If we need to know something,we'd immediately reach for our smartphones. Why do we deny this facility to our learners? Simon displayed a wonderful image (which I can't find online) comparing today's mobile phone with the plethora of devices that we used to use independent of each other (phone,l camera, video recorder, GPS, microphone, etc.). And most of us have access to this wondrous device, yet we never use it!
Why not allow them to use mobiles?? If we mutually devise a code of conduct, to give the learners ownersip and a shared sense of responsibility for their conduct, can't we create a culture of acceptance? Yes there will be problems; but if they are dealt with effectively, if the risk is managed, then we stand to gain so much.  He shared an example of w working code of conduct, where lessons are colour coded as follows: 
Red – no phones to be used in this lesson, keep them out of sight use
Amber – phones *may* be used, keep them close at hand 
Green – phones will definitely be used, but use them responsibly

However, Simon seemed at pains to acknowledge that this practice is fraught with pitfalls, and that patience and an understanding SLT is called for.  To give an example, if I may share a ribald anecdote, I discussed the issue of allowing mobile phone access with my Year 10 ICT, at which point, several class members (no pun intended) erupted. They then shared a story of how mobile phones and Snapchat had been used in the school toilets to share images of people using the facilities...

Plenty of ideas there to chew on, I'm sure you'll agree.


  1. "Red – no phones to be used in this lesson, keep them out of sight use
    Amber – phones *may* be used, keep them close at hand
    Green – phones will definitely be used, but use them responsibly"

    We use this strategy.

  2. Is it effective at your school?

  3. Thanks for sharing this, Al. 1st section in particular will be invaluable in out process of appointing digital champions.

  4. Ditto, thanks for sharing this Al. This approach of working with young people (in the WISE KIDS case - to help develop Digital Citizenship - see, has a lot to offer - will discuss this more when we meet for days 4 and 5 :)
