Tuesday 26 January 2016

My Project

My Project - Gareth Evans

I decided to develop the use of Blogs within the school. Year 13 had struggled to create their UCAS form so I wanted to avoid the same situation with the current year 12. I was also keen to get the pupils to understand how having a positive digital footprint could influence their job opportunities in the future.

Having learnt how to use Blogger with Sangeet, I created a screencast to show how the pupils how to create a Blog. We then set up the “hidden” e-mail so they could post straight from an e-mail. Having done this, we then linked the Blog to their Moodle profile which then allows any teacher to see the Blog.

We initially had technical issues with the county blocking Blogger and Blogspot, then had a few minor issues with pupils crating the Blog.  With this achieved, the majority of pupils have now enjoyed being able to capture the positive things they do online.

We have now planned to do this with every pupil in year 12. There are also discussions at to moving this further down the school to raise awareness of having a positive digital footprint.

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