Monday 22 September 2014

IOS 8 Keyboard - KuaiBoard

I have just had an email conversation with Kevin Wolkober about KuaiBoard and the way that it could be used in the classroom - saving time with feedback/ reporting etc.  KuaiBoard is one of the third-party keyboards that was recently highlighted in the IOS 8 update. It allows you to store regularly used information, sentences and paragraphs which can then be inserted into messages and any application using an Apple keyboard. For more  information,  see
Kevin is interested in what we think. He is planning to introduce a way that the saved comments can be organised.
I'm excited to hear from you and other teachers on your experience using the app.  I definitely think KuaiBoard is helpful for the classroom.  In a future update, I plan to allow users to organize their clips into folders, and agree this is an important feature.

1 comment:

  1. Hadn't heard of this Liz - thanks for sharing! - Sangeet
