Friday 12 September 2014

A conversation about online access - Janine and Ian


  1. Excellent idea of using Office 365 for pupils to access their homework, I think this would be useful for learnings in my School as the issue of not being able to access school work on home computer is often the case.

  2. I think that it is important to extend learning opportunities outside of the classroom, and technology makes this more appealing to many learners. Increasing ease of access to resources via VLE's such as Moodle and providing the online tools such as office 365 is a more inclusive approach, benefiting many children.

  3. I've had a look at Office 365 too and it is valuable, but I think that Google Docs/ Drive offers more editing options - Maybe this is because I have been using this longer.
    Motivation and encouraging the students to work independently at home is a major issue for us too. Is there an answer?
